Thanks to everyone for thinking through the issues here. This has been very helpful. I don't understand the practical advantages of a copy versus a branch, particularly since I will have to create a branch eventually. I could use some more education here. What would be the objections to the following scheme? A big advantage to this scheme is that it's something I can wrap my mind around:

1) I create a 10.2 branch.

2) I turn on the beta bit in that branch.

3) I generate the beta candidate from that branch.

4) In the meantime, bug fixes accumulate in the trunk.

5) At some point I mega-merge the trunk into the 10.2 branch based on a triggering event:

 a) triggered by the need to generate a new release candidate

b) triggered by the checkin of destabilizing work such as a partial feature

6) After the mega-merge, fixes must be applied to both the trunk and the 10.2 branch.

Thanks again for helping me work through these issues.


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