"Bergquist, Brett" <bbergqu...@canoga.com> writes:

> I need to build a private copy of Derby with a fix for:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-5352
> And I want to uniquely identify that this is my private build and not
> build  Where should I make a change so that this can easily
> be seen.  I would really like this to come out something like in the
> derby.log with something like " CP Special 1" or something
> similar.

Derby prints the svn version number of the sources used to produce the
release in derby.log

Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby - 
- (1095077): instance a816c00e-0131-871c-0b6b-00000324a858 

If you build your own from modified source it would show something like

Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby - 
alpha - (1152930M): instance a816c00e-0131-874e-6961-00000324ea00 

cf the "M" (modified) after the svn version number.
If you like you can also build with a number of your choice by giving
the build an explicit number, e.g.

ant -Dchangenumber=666 -q all buildjars

If you want something more radical, cf. the code in
BasDataFileFactory#boot, search file the line whihc uses 

Hope this helps,

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