Hi John,

Have you tried uppercasing as well as doublequoting the column name. E.g., "XML" rather than "xml"?


John English wrote:
I am trying to upgrade an old app (v8 or 9) to 10.5.3 but have run up
against a serious problem. The DB contains several tables with columns
called XML, which is now a reserved word in v10.x. These cause SQL
exceptions when the app tries to access them.

The older version of Derby that the app currently uses doesn't support
column renaming, so I can't change the existing tables in situ, and as
it's a live system I can't afford to just recreate the tables.

I've tried surrounding the name XML in double quotes ("xml") but that
doesn't work.

Is there perhaps a version of Derby that I can download that supports
column renaming but doesn't have XML as a reserved word? Or is there
another solution that I've missed?


 John English              | mailto:j...@brighton.ac.uk
 Senior Lecturer           | http://www.it.bton.ac.uk/staff/je
 School of Computing & MIS | "Those who don't know their history
 University of Brighton    |  are condemned to relive it" (Santayana)

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