On 13.08.10 12:45, Shankar Devi wrote:
        Please let me know the timeframe for when this issue is likely to be


I'm not sure we have identified the real problem yet.
Can you answer my latest question which I believe was:
> 1. It looks like once connection is selecting from the BLOB, and then
> another connection
> deletes (or updates) it. Does this sound plausible for your application?
> [Devi] - yes.It is possible.

In that case, how do you obtain the value?
  a) InputStream is = rs.getBinaryStream(...);
  b) Blob blob = rs.getBlob(...) ; InputStream is = blob.getBinaryStream()


It is impossible to say when this issue will be fixed, because:
 o nobody has committed to fix it
 o there is no runnable repro to demonstrate the bug
o there is still no *clear* understanding of what the underlying problem is (answering the question might help, providing a repro would help for certain )

I do however have some thoughts, and I do plan to follow up on those.
In any case, the next 10.6 maintenance release hasn't been scheduled yet. You could of course roll your own build once the fix has been committed to the source repository.


Thanks&  Regards,

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