On 12/18/11 03:18 PM, Sameer Alwosaby wrote:


When My application  save records in java db ,  I received this

[Unloading class org.apache.derby.exe.acf81e0010x0134x5183xd9d0x00001de8a8587]

[ snip - more unloading messages ]

[Unloading class org.apache.derby.exe.acf81e0010x0134x5183xd9d0x00001de8a85856]

Please What is the problem ? and what is solution ?

Hi Sameer,

I don't think this is a problem in itself. The messages above look like JVM debug messages to me.

Derby compiles SQL queries into Java byte code, and this code is written to classes with names like above. Note that you should be using prepared statements where possible, otherwise Derby may be generating more Java classes than necessary (hurting performance).

Hope this helps,


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