On 24.05.2012 23:33, Patrick Meyer wrote:
That would be excellent! I think it would be a great feature to have in

Hi Patrick,

Can you say anything about how many columns would be needed to support these use-cases?
Are we talking about a few thousand, ten thousand, or even more columns?



-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Hillegas [mailto:rick.hille...@oracle.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 12:08 PM
To: derby-user@db.apache.org
Subject: Re: limit on the number of columns

On 5/24/12 4:26 AM, Patrick Meyer wrote:
I am aware that Derby has a limit of 1,012 columns for each table, but
many users of my application (it is a program for statistical
analysis) have very large files that go well beyond this number of
columns. Does anyone know of a strategy for using multiple tables to
present one large "virtual" table to end users? Is there a way to
chain tables together to have an endless number of columns? Is this
something that can be done through SQL statements? Any advice,
examples or documentation on such a strategy would be greatly



Hi Patrick,

This appears to me to be an arbitrary limit in Derby, one which we could
investigate lifting. To track this issue, I have filed
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DERBY-5781. This kind of change would
have to appear in a feature release. The 1012 limit also applies to the
number of columns in a SELECT list. This is another arbitrary limit which we
should consider lifting:


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