Knut, I'm running and I can switch to the debug version of the 
binaries, so that when such error occurs again (it's intermittent, rare, but it 
does happen), I could give you a more full stack trace. I doubt, though, that I 
would be able to create a standalone test program which reliably reproduces the 

No, I don't ever run SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE. Never thought there is any need. The 
tables are all in-memory and once an application exits, there is no need to 
preserve the data.

Thank you for your help,

-----Original Message-----
From: Knut Anders Hatlen []
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 1:47 PM
To: Derby Discussion
Subject: Re: what do errors like these mean?

Pavel Bortnovskiy <> writes:

> Thank you, Knut, for your prompt response.
> It seems that my caching of Prepared Statements is causing some problems.
> In some previous responses, it was indicated that Derby is caching
> them internally anyway, so maybe a better approach for me is not to
> cache them on my side and create them anew? Most of my inserts/updates
> are done in batches, so I could create a PrepStmt before the batch and
> remove a reference to it at the end of the batch's execution.

That sounds like a case where the internal cache could do a good job. If the 
exact same query (identical SQL string) has been executed before, and it's 
still in the cache (default cache size is 100, see [1]), preparing the 
statement should essentially be just a lookup in a hash table. I'd expect that 
cost to be negligible for most batches.


> If the
> performance penalty for compilation of PrepStmt is not that great,
> then such approach may be more desirable to avoid errors in the
> production environment.

Not sure if it will avoid the errors, as Derby should invalidate both the 
active PreparedStatements and those in the internal cache. But there may be 
bugs, of course, preventing one or the other from being invalidated. Relying on 
the internal cache for the batches might help simplifying the application code, 

By the way, do you have the full stack trace for the exception you saw?
The original post only included the stack where the top-level SQLException was 
created. There should be a StandardException nested in the SQLException telling 
exactly where it fell over.

And do you regularly run SYSCS_COMPRESS_TABLE on the database? That has been 
the most common source for these errors.

Which Derby version are you running?


Knut Anders

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