Access through the net is rejected

Do you mean: access from some remote machine to your
Windows machine is rejected?

If so, that sounds like the Windows Firewall, which
is typically enabled on a fresh Windows installation and
has to be disabled to allow external machines to open
connections to your machine.

If you've configured the Windows Firewall to allow
the connection, then are you sure that you started the
Derby Network Server on your Windows machine? Maybe
before you re-installed Windows you had Derby set to
automatically start the server at Windows startup, but
that configuration was lost when you reinstalled Windows.

But ij also doesn't work with the net driver.

I'm not sure what you mean by this sentence. Ij won't start? It starts,
but you don't know how to use it? It starts, and you know how
to use it, but when you issue a command you get an error?

If you can post detailed information about a specific
problem you're having, for example paste in the ij session
that you tried, together with the error message that resulted,
perhaps that will give us more clues about what problem you're
trying to solve.



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