The missing driver problem is almost certainly a classpath issue. What are the classpaths for your applications?

On 7/23/19 7:23 PM, Bob M wrote:
Hi Rick

No - each program references a unique database (i.e. I have 5  different

My problem seems to be that

1) the first instance of derby is kicked off
2) while it is operating a second instance is kicked off - and it is here
that the execution falters - either not finding a suitable driver or
something else which I can't put my finger on

Here is a clue :-
When I use windows explorer to look at the derby.log it states that the file
has been updated by another program - do I wish to update it - If I say yes
- the details in the log alter - i.e. a different currency-pair coming from
the second program is referenced

Bob M

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