I think that Marco is trying to *test* how his code handles a timeout
exception, but he doesn't know a way to force a timeout exception to occur
during his test.

I don't know a trivial way to do this, either.

I think you might have to write a more complex test program, for example
you could have two threads, and two transactions, and in the first thread
you could begin a transaction and update a record BUT NOT COMMIT.

Then, in the second thread, you could begin a transaction and call your
stored procedure to run a query against that record, but the query should
block because the record is updated by the first transaction in the first

Then, after some time expires, you should get the timeout exception in your
stored procedure.



On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 9:30 AM Marco Ferretti <marco.ferre...@gmail.com>

> Hi Rick,
> thanks for taking the time to reply.
> I am not 100% sure what you mean. My application uses JPA and the Entity
> Manager is getting the connection from the container's datasource: I do
> not have (direct) access to the java.sql.Statement.
> What I (would like to) do  is calling the a stored procedure in this way:
> getEm().createStoredProcedureQuery(Constants.SP_EXPORT_PIANIFICAZIONE)
> .registerStoredProcedureParameter(1, Long.class, ParameterMode.IN)
> .registerStoredProcedureParameter(2, String.class, ParameterMode.IN)
> .registerStoredProcedureParameter(3, String.class,
> ParameterMode.IN).setParameter(1, myPromo)
> .setParameter(2, idCompratori).setParameter(3, username)
> .setHint("javax.persistence.query.timeout", milliseconds)
> .execute();
> As far as the  JPA API specification (and EclipseLink implementation)
> goes, the  ".setHint("javax.persistence.query.timeout", milliseconds)" should
> be equivalent to what you suggest.
> The problem is that I cannot make the stored procedure call to throw a
> QueryTimeoutException even if my dummy procedure (in derby) waits for 10
> seconds and I set the timeout to 1 millisecond.
> I am using, in my test environment, Apache Tomee (java 8) , derby client
> 10.14 and a docker image with a derby network server (
> https://github.com/az82/docker-derby/blob/master/Dockerfile
> <https://link.getmailspring.com/link/3174774e-c496-42ab-83b1-dfe1a95ae...@getmailspring.com/0?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Faz82%2Fdocker-derby%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2FDockerfile&recipient=ZGVyYnktdXNlckBkYi5hcGFjaGUub3Jn>)
> .
> As far as my knowledge goes, and it's not that far, the reasons I am not
> getting a timeout are :
>    1. I am not correctly using the hint
>    2. I am not correctly setting up the datasource
>    3. There is no timeout because the stored procedure terminates within
>    the given timeout.
> On point 3: in my (dummy) implementation of the stored procedure i do,
> before doing anything else, a TimeUnit.SECONDS.wait(10);
> On point 1 : I am lost. I *think*  I am using the hint correctly (at
> least the API docs say so)
> On point 2: I am setting up the datasource with the minimum configuration
> possible :
> <Resource id="jdbc/myDatasource" type="DataSource"> JdbcDriver 
> org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver JdbcUrl 
> jdbc:derby://database:1527/dbpromo;create=false UserName DBPROMO Password 
> dbpromo </Resource>
> Could it be that I am failing to activate something on the Derby side ?
> Thanks in advance
> Marco
> On Apr 19 2022, at 4:57 pm, Rick Hillegas <rick.hille...@gmail.com> wrote:
> java.sql.Statement.setQueryTimeout(int) should do the trick.
> On 4/19/22 3:30 AM, Marco Ferretti wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I am trying to simulate a query timeout in a stored procedure by simply
> adding a delay in my (test) jar.
> > I then am launching the stored procedure in my java code via JPA and try
> to set a timeout hint by adding
> > .setHint("javax.persistence.query.timeout", milliseconds)
> > but I am not able to register a timeout.
> > I am wondering if there is some derby property or jdbc property I should
> use to activate such behavior. I have tried to google for it but I am
> having extremely bad results... but according to this (
> https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E25178_01/apirefs.1111/e13952/pagehelp/J2EEkodojdbcconfdescriptorDerbyDictionaryBeantitle.html)
> I have to activate it somehow.
> >
> > Does Derby supports query timeout at all? If so, can you please point me
> to some references ?
> > Thanks in advance for any help,
> > Marco
> >
> [image: Sent from Mailspring]

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