On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Nicu Buculei <nicu_fed...@nicubunu.ro>wrote:

> On 05/22/2009 12:02 AM, Joost Elfering wrote:
>> hi all,
> Hi and welcome!
>  My name is Joost Elfering and joined the design team mailing list on
>> advice of Jeroen van Meeuwen (jeroenm). Professionally I'm a web
>> designer/developer with an affiliation for graphical and interaction
>> design.
> I believe you are not subscribed with this address to the list (
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/design-team)
sorry, i think i fundged up the gmail send email for this mailing list. this
email address should be on the list as i'm getting the emails already.

>  work done:
>> - logo design
>> - t-shirt/hoody/pants print design
>> - website design
>> - application design
>> - interaction design elements
>> - design for print
>> - stylesheet for branding
> Cool! have you any of those available online?
just some sites by my design:


shoe design for a project with Omar S. Bailey:

logo design made for clothing and other use (gaming clan):

some artwork:

logo consepts:

art for print (christmas)

there is more but this was all i could collect in a relative short time.

>  Currently I'm not availiable to do a lot of work because I'm working on
>> my graduation but after that i would be able to get some work done for
>> the design community.
> No problem, stay subscribed to the list, follow the conversations and when
> you see something interesting for you, just jump in.
>  ps: I was looking for an "idea" section on the art-wiki, I only found
>> the work list. it there a "idea" list? and where can I find it?
> What we have is http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/DesignService, here
> anyone having an idea can leave a request, maybe someone will pick it up.
> We are also thinking if a proper tracker will help with this, still under
> evaluation.

i'll see it coming when it does ;-).

> --
> nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com/
> photography: http://photoblog.nicubunu.ro/
> my Fedora stuff: http://fedora.nicubunu.ro/

ps: i had a nice idea for a F11 fun t-shirt. i'll post a concept in the
coming month. it has something to do with the movie 300 and i was thinkin of
a slogan like (we are fedora) on the chest. but i need to work it out more
to really be funny ;-).

yope out!
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