Hello Design Team!
        My name is Daniel Berryhill and I'd like to start contributing to 
Fedora in some small way.  I owe a lot to this humble platform and I feel it's 
time I gave back to the community.  I cut my teeth on the Gimp many years ago 
when I switched to Linux (after Windows slowly killed my laptop).  I am a very 
skilled photo/image editor and have recently learned how to use that other 
Adobe program as well.  I am familiar with Inkscape, but not to the same degree 
(something I'm working on right now :).  I have some design experience 
including button designs, web graphics and logo creation.  My programming 
skills are very rudimentary; I am proficient in HTML (though I am still in the 
process of wrapping my head around CSS) and I have a very basic understanding 
of Java.
        Anyways, all that is to say that I'm very excited to contribute in any 
way.  I know I can handle some of the “Quick & Easy” projects in the Design 
Service Queue, but I admit I'm mostly here to absorb what I can of this groups 
general knowledge and hopefully become a better contributor further down the 

Pleased to meet you,

design-team mailing list

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