Hi, my name is Federico Cáceres (as you might have guessed by the email
headers) and I'm a computer science stundent in the "Universidad Católica de
Asunción" (Catholic University of Asunción) at Asunción, Paraguay . I'm
currently working on my final thesis project, related to HCI, but on my free
time I love messing around with design-related stuff. I have been doing some
design ever since the Corel 4 days, and in the last years I have also done
some freelance work. Obviosuly, now my weapons of choice are primarily
Inkscape, Gimp and Blender!

Enough introductions, I have been searching around for F14's artowrk
progress and I found the current concept very interesting, and considering
we are still on alpha stage, I thought I could mix up the current concept
and share my experiments with the community. I just thought of changing the
perspective a bit (maybe adding some focal blur), making lines more parallel
and working a bit with the colors.

Without further ado, I present you my wallpaper tests:
(The last two might have a bit of dizzyness factor... sorry guys...)
They all are simple modifications on Kyle Baker's concept, Blender was used
for most of the work (all shapes and blur were done in Blender), GIMP was
added to the mix only for some post-processing on the colors.

Hope you find these interesting.

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