Hi Berhnard!

We're looking forward to working with you! Welcome here on the list!
:D Me too about workin with you all. :D Thank you!

Not everybody here has the possibility to work with Photoshop, so we try to rely mainly on tools like Inkscape and GIMP.
Yeah, me too for now. When I migrate to Ubuntu, I stoped to work with Photoshop and dedicate myselft totaly to Gimp, and I'm in love! No talking about Inkscape, the best vector tool I ever seen!

I don't know if you already thought of licensing your work.
We're part of an open source community and therefore we recommend to provide our graphical contributions under a open source license too. To ease your work you don't need to describe the license you want and provide a link to it when you upload any file to the wiki. At the bottom of the upload page you can choose among different license templates to be added to your contribution.
Yeah, I like to publish my work under the Creative Commons license, allowing derivate work when it's possible. And I'm happy to see this native support in the LibO's wiki.

For artwork and design drafts that might become a basis for inclusion in the LibreOffice source code (like the icons we're working on at the moment) we recommend to use the triple license CC by-sa, LGPL 3+ and MPL 1.1. Other artwork can be licensed under CC by-sa only (or any other license you choose), but my personal position is, that this triple license seems to cover all probable use-cases of my work, so I use it for any of my contributions.
Thank you for the advise. I began to work on some 256px icons from the Christoph version, but I am not achieving to keep the original style, so I'll try again and share if I get sucess.

Sorry, if this sounds confusing, but I thought, it would be reasonable to tell you in advance...
Nothing confusing, these tips about licensing was very welcome..

I'm sure we can have a lot of fun and work together on all the upcoming tasks in UX/UI, visual design and branding - don't by shy to comment / criticize any mockups presented here: We strongly believe that collaborative work will lead to even better results than individual contribution.
I'm sure that I will love to stay here with you all and this is the colaborative spirit I want to share in my whole life! :D Thank you for this warm welcome!


Paulo José O. Amaro
Computer Science Student
Federal University of São João del-Rei
WebDesigner / Linked Empresa Júnior
Blogger / casatwain.com

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