Le 25/11/2013 20:05, Laurent Lyaudet a écrit :
> Hi,
> We just added a section Open Problems to the wiki for the start center:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Design/Whiteboards/Start_Center
> So far we have 3 topics discussed:
> - Sidebar positioning
> - Icons or thumbnails
> - Tabs with file type pickers
> Please add to the wiki all pros and cons you can think about for these
> topics.
> We'll try to have definitive resolutions next week at the IRC chat.

to me, there's one more important topic wrt the start centre: naming the
captions. ASFAICT (from my daily work with 400+ in-house users), people
don't understand why the tabs or captions are labelled "Spreadsheet",
"Presentation", "Drawing" and so on. The users I'm talking about have a
hard time figuring a "Spreadsheet" is the type of document made using Calc.

Hence my suggestion: don't use such words as above and prefer the module
names. This is more explicit to the average John Doe and has the pro
that it is consistent with the OS start menu option names.

WRT Writer entry, named as "Document", I find that strange. As any file
is actually a document, the word "Text" would be much better, IMO. Of
course, the previous paragraph suggests that "Writer" is the word to
retain :)
Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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