Hi Kendy,
Sorry for replying so very late, I had some problems with compilation.
I'm really digging the bigger previews -- thanks for all your work! :)

My niggles are now purely minuscule and I guess largely subjective. (I'd
still prefer #f9f9f9 for the background of the document area, a 16px font
size for the button labels, and showing the first sentence of the welcome
message in bigger, bolder letters, as seen at

However, I'd still like to ask for a few things (hope I'm not being too
brash here):
* Please refresh the list of thumbnails right after clicking "File" ->
"Recent Documents" -> "Clear List" -- it's not immediately clear that the
list was cleared. (It would also be great if you could add the "Clear List"
button right under the "File" menu, perhaps rename it to "Clear Recent
Files", for easier discoverability.)
* Please make it clear visually that "Create" is a label and not a button.
If you don't want to differentiate using font size and weight, you can add
icons for Open and Templates (those are part of
http://ubuntuone.com/0bhbyPRVt8hChFsZ64HBfO, might be somewhere in the icon
set as well).
* Please show the tooltip over the thumbnail label.

As for the border around module icons, would it be possible to a) use a
different aspect ratio for presentations, b) use a dotted outline instead
of a full one, to differentiate previews and non-previews?

2013/12/13 Jan Holesovsky <ke...@collabora.com>

> Hi Mirek, all,
> Mirek M. píše v St 04. 12. 2013 v 10:03 +0100:
> > Yes, here are the decisions [1]:
> >
> > * Keep sidebar on the left for LTR locales, have it on the right for
> > RTL locales.
> > * Use thumbnails, but indicate file type using colors or badges. -- We
> > still need to design this, but if we don't do it in time, having no
> > color codes for this release is fine and we'll put them in the next
> > one.
> > * Use 2-line labels, with the name cut off in the middle, just like
> > the labels in Gnome Documents.
> > * Show the full file path (including extension) in a tooltip.
> >
> > * Button labels: Create Writer Text Document (or simply Writer
> > Document, if Writer Text Document is too long in some languages --
> > your call), Calc Spreadsheet, Impress Presentation, Draw Drawing, Math
> > Formula, Base Database
> >
> > * Greeting: Welcome to LibreOffice. Use the sidebar to open or create
> > a file.
> So I have implemented most of these, I think I've left out only the 2
> lines description - it is more complex unfortunately :-(  I also fixed a
> couple of things that were annoying me personally.  The results are
> here:
> Empty start center, with no documents:
> http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~kendy/design-list/startcenter-empty.png
> Some recent documents present:
> http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~kendy/design-list/startcenter-recent.png
> You can see some differences to the design, most notably:
> - Create
>   When playing with that, it started to annoy me that it is _above_ the
>   separator line, and that it has smaller font size.  Also, it logically
>   belongs to the group of the buttons, so I moved it there, gave it the
>   same size as the button text, and added a colon.  I believe it works
>   pretty well ;-)
> - Thumbnails
>   I considerably increased their size, and improved their drawing
>   algorithm to antialias the pictures.  Also for the files that have no
>   thumbnail, I made it look like the icon is on a piece of paper; looks
>   much more consistently when there are more documents open.
> - Open File
>   I changed the pure 'Open' to 'Open File' - I think it goes better with
>   the explanatory Writer Document / Calc Spreadsheet etc.
> - Various pixel here, pixel there tweaks
>   To get more breathing space etc. - hopefully you are happy with the
>   result, it would be just too painful for everybody to ping-pong every
>   change there :-)
> - Mouse over
>   Now we have a mouse over effect when you point at the thumbnails.
> Finally - there are still things to fix around accessibility, haven't
> changed a bit there; but that shouldn't be affected by the UI freeze, I
> still plan to have a look.
> Please shout if anything is wrong - but I hope the current state is
> acceptable for most :-)  Everyone, please play with the nightly build
> that is built after now & report bugs.
> All the best,
> Kendy

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