Hi Kendy,

Le 08/10/2014 21:12, Jan Holesovsky a écrit :
> Hi,
> At the Hangout today, I told that I hacked up a way in LibreOffice how
> to collect usage data.  It's an early prototype, even to turn it on, you
> have to compile; but I (or Samuel, if he can find some time?) plan to do
> a user configuration to turn it on/off, and save it to the user's
> profile.  If the time permits, even sending to some server might be
> possible at some stage (but cannot promise that).

I am sure you did consider the privacy side of the question. I think we
must do that very careffuly because we do not want to be accused to
install a keylogger in LibreOffice as MS did in the "technical preview"
of Windows-10.

I think that the user should be able to check if the log contains any
personal information and remove all data he does not want to share with TDF.
Additionally sending the data to TDF should be a voluntary action from
the user, for example through a file attached to a mail automatically
composed by LO but manually sent by the user.

Best regards.
JBF, paranoid with privacy questions :-)

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