On Friday 13 March 2015, 22:45:01 Björn Balazs wrote:
> - Why isn't the dialogue part of the normal "Open File" dialogue (e.g.
> invoked from there)? As a user I just want to open a file, then define
> where it is - and remote is rather about the "where" than the "what"...
> (same is true for "save")
Of course it would be nice to have some kind of favorite,  but that's not an 
easy hack. And dialogs are very different for all supported OS. It might be an 
option to add controls like a dropdown but devs cannot override the defaults 
of the dialog.

Features/Req: "Own dialog since integration into standard dialog is possible 
but very limited"

> - Why didn't you split up the selection of the type and the configuration
> into two steps? Personally I think these dialogues that depend on / change
> with a pre-selected element should be avoided.
We have two dialogs, one for the actual files with the function to load or to 
save depending on how it was opened, and another where you configure the 
service. Such a service can be WebDAV, for instance, or Google Drive. 
Depending on this type you have to enter more or less specifications. Plus, 
you have to give the child a name, like WebDAV@UserPrompt to make more than 
one service on a certain type possible. This type:label identification is 
prompted at the files dialog. Sounds pretty straightforward to me. 

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