Yes. Text body is a must IMO.

Rationale: Default is not a good idea to have it applied for normal text because modifying it implies changing all the other styles due to attribute inheritance. So a paragraph style for normal text should be available.

Best regards.

On 09/15/2015 05:45 AM, Yousuf 'Jay' Philips wrote:
Hi Octavio,

The paragraph styles have already been added into the Styles menu in
master and they include Default, Title, Subtitle, and Headings 1 through
6. So are there any other paragraph styles that should be added?

Yousuf 'Jay' Philips

On 09/15/2015 04:49 AM, Octavio Alvarez wrote:
On 14/09/15 15:04, Yousuf 'Jay' Philips wrote:
Hi All,

As part of the rework of the menus in Writer (bug 91781), i've created a
Styles menu and i've put some paragraph styles in there and wanted to
know if anyone has any suggestions of additional paragraph or character
styles that should be added to the list. Presently i'm planning to add
Default, Emphasis, Strong Emphasis, and Source Text character styles.


Those are character styles only. What paragraph styles are you planning
to include?

Best regards.

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