Hi Andreas,

kainz.a píše v St 02. 12. 2015 v 13:00 +0100:

> I'm not very happy with the new drop down menu in Impress for the Edit Mode
> selection cause the icons are 68x54 px in size.

I don't think there is a particular reason for using 68x54.  I think in
the Edit Mode case, it was done for the consistency with the
pre-existing "slide layout" (and other) icons that we had in the toolbar
already previously; see the "Slide Layout" dropdown.  They are used also
in the sidebar.

68x54 sounds strange though, indeed :-)  I suppose if you change all
(ie. both edit mode, slide layout, and whatever else uses 68x54) to
actually using 64x64, that might be good - but we'll have to check how
does it look in the sidebar.

> my problem is:
> 1. toolbar icons are 16px, 24px and in future 32px and for this drop down
> button you scale the large 68x54px icons to the toolbar size (you can't
> read the 68x54px icon at 16px scale size.
> 2. why LO don't use standard icon sizes like 8x8, 16x16, 22x22, 24x24,
> 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 128x128

See above; I think no issue using 64x64 for sd/res/displaymode_*

> I would prefere to move the icons
> from
>    sd/res/displaymode_*
> to
>    cmd/sc_displaymode_*
>    cmd/lc_displaymode_*
>    cmd/32/displaymode_*
> in the toolbar use the 16px (sc_displaymode_*) or 24px (lc_displaymode_*)
> icon and in the drop down menu maybe the cmd/32/displaymode_* icons or the
> same than in the toolbar.

This is something slightly different.  In the Edit Mode implementation,
there is code that explicitly uses the sd/res/displaymode_* images, and
scales them down to fit the toolbar.

But! - there are also .uno commands that could map to the appropriate

.uno:NormalMultiPaneGUI -> cmd/(sc_|lc_)normalmultipanegui.png
.uno:NotesMode -> cmd/(sc_|lc_)notesmode.png
.uno:OutlineMode -> cmd/(sc_|lc_)outlinemode.png
.uno:DiaMode -> cmd/(sc_lc_)diamode.png
.uno:SlideMasterPage -> cmd/(sc_|lc_)slidemasterpage.png
.uno:NotesMasterPage -> cmd/(sc_|lc_)notesmasterpage.png
.uno:HandoutMode -> cmd/(sc_|lc_)handoutmode.png

Could you please create those icons in the appropriate sc_ | lc_ | 32/

Then I think Philippe could easily change the code so that instead of
the custom code in DisplayModeController::setToolboxItemImage, we just
use the appropriate cmd icon?

Thank you,

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