On 14/01/16 09:27, Cor Nouws wrote:

> So I do agree that the new split icon makes it more likely that someone
> takes a look at master pages. I'm not convinced that it introduces "new
> great dangers for corporate use".

Cor, it depends from the average skill set of the users.

If they edit the master instead of editing the slide, because they
access the master instead of the slide (and they do not recognize that
they are working on the master, but this is normal, as when I teach
people about the master slide feature they all ask "which is the
difference" - which is visible - when I switch from slide to master),
they can destroy the presentation in a few simple steps, because all
changes to that slide will be applied to all slides (because they
changed the master anche not the slide).

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
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