
jumping in the bandwaggon. Though I've no graphic skills, I'd like to comment upon the current offerings: -- the t-shirt designs don't provide any graphics on the back. Why so? Is it by design or just a matter of the designer's taste or some other constraint? -- the big 5 is meaningless to John Doe. When seeing s.o. wearing such a t-shirt, you have to come close to read "LibreOffice" and closer to read the slogan. Second, the "5" will be deprecated in a few months (err.. yep... I'm being optimistic for that matter ;)
-- why don't you propose sweat-shirts as well?

I understand these question have probably been discussed elsewhere but I didn't notice the threads in due time, it would seem. Sorry if I'm beating a dead horse.

Have a good week-end,
Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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