On 02.12.23 00:51, Regina Henschel wrote:
It would be indeed interesting to know more about the use of the Gallery. There could be very frequently used objects. But on the other hand there might be objects which are only used by few users, but they do not want to do without these object.

The Gallery items were changed for bug 131795 (and several others) based on insights at https://design.blog.documentfoundation.org/2016/04/01/the-many-faced-god-part-2-how-libreoffice-draw-is-expected-to-evolve/ . Of course it would be nice to learn if _nobody_ uses these shapes, as Eyal claims, or at least some, or on the other hand if users are offended by the design.

Nothing to say against a more polished drawings, more custom shapes, and to challenge individual items. Everybody is welcome to submit improvements. The verdict on bug 158253 was "not actionable".

Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Designer and UX-Mentor
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