Some of the really code-specific discussion seems maybe appropriate for
the dev list, but since this is front-end related, I guess it's okay here.

On 12/28/2015 03:35 AM, mray wrote:
> templates/auth/create-account-form.hamlet seems to contain only part of
> the actual /create-account page.
> I can't find the rest. The alert on the page and the submit button seem
> to come from nowhere.

Some of it is in-line in the Haskell stuff. Probably Bryan should look
at this and refactor it to be organized in the way he feels is best for
the new structure.

> I also have issues when moving CSS to default-layout-new.cassius and
> start working off a new branch from master and loose the css.
> is there a way around this?

You can potentially branch off a branch, in other words, you can do some
work in one place, make a branch off that, and make it clear that one
branch relies on the other. That's not ideal though.

I think the best option is when you realize something really belongs in
default-layout, you should make a branch *just* for that move off of
master, and then that is the sort of thing I or Bryan can merge
immediately so that it will be in master and then be available for all
your different work going forward from there.

Aaron Wolf <>
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