On 05/09/2016 01:41 PM, mray wrote:
> Hello there,
> I'd like to get feedback from people who know this kind of stuff:
> a blockchain based platform that sounds interesting -
> https://www.ethereum.org
> It looks like with it you can create your own Bitcoin-like system that
> is as decentralized as Bitcoin but allows to add more rules. I was
> wondering if snowdrift.coop could be an "democratic autonomous
> organization" harnessing that technique.
> It might be only a hip buzzword trophy - or maybe not so bad at all. Is
> it crappy to think about doing our pledging that way?
> mray

My feeling is that this stuff is untested largely in the real world and
is more speculative than Snowdrift.coop. Bitcoin itself may have gotten
some weird attention from a surprisingly large number of people, but it
is actually a tiny fraction of even the already-limited set of people
who already understand free/libre/open issues who have actually got into
Bitcoin and related.

So, even if Bitcoin and Ethereum were perfectly sensible technologies,
the vast majority of the audience we're aiming for has little connection
or awareness or interest in those things.

Besides that, I am a Bitcoin skeptic and think the claims people make
about its significance and potential are overblown. The amount of mere
electricity used to run Bitcoin stuff if it actually reached widespread
adoption seems completely unworkable from my lay-person view. I think it
will never become truly mainstream.

If I'm wrong, and these technologies become significant, we can use them
then. It's an implementation detail, not a major design factor. There's
no realistic path to getting running as a more decentralized blockchain
implementation. I don't think that direction makes much sense as the
core foundation for anything. It's just something we can support as a
side aspect if and when it actually seems worthwhile.

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