On Fri, 2006-04-14 at 13:35 -0500, Travis B. Hartwell wrote:
> Hey all!
> I finally am getting around to announce on the mailing list the
> handler I wrote last week.  If any of you are hold-outs from the
> sawfish window manager, you will most likely be familiar with the
> popular iswitch-window extension which is patterned after
> iswitch-buffer in Emacs.  Basically, you hit a key, start typing a
> portion of the window or application name and the list will be
> narrowed down to the ones that match.  Hit enter, and it will switch
> to it.
> Deskbar seemed to be a great fit for this, so I created this handler.
> http://www.travishartwell.net/projects/iswitch-window/iswitch-window.py
> A short screencast (800x600) is at
> http://www.travishartwell.net/projects/iswitch-window/iswitch-window.gif
> Note that firefox handles this just fine but nautilus or eog doesn't
> seem to like it.
> I need some help though...it won't always switch to the correct window
> when I have to switch to another workspace.  If there are any wnck
> gurus out there, I'd appreciate a look-see.

Wnck guru, sorry, that is definitely not me...

> Hope it's useful!

I had this exact handler on my todo-list! Amazing! Soon you can replace
everything in your panels for a single deskbar-applet :-D

The only comment I can think of code-wise is that deskbar normally uses
tabs for indentation. And you see, if it where up to me, we'd have this
handler in the stock deskbar :)


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