Public bug report changed:

Adding the following lines to fonts.conf solves the problem:

  Alias well known Type1 font names to metric-equivalent TrueType fonts
                <accept><family>Standard Symbols L</family></accept>

I think these fonts are metrically equivalent to the Adobe fonts.  The
alias for Symbol is necessary for some PDF files that use Times-
compatible math fonts without embedding them.

After this change, the command
    fc-match Times
    FreeSerif.ttf: "FreeSerif" "Medium"
instead of:
    VeraSe.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Serif" "Roman".
Then the svn-book.pdf file that Vincent Trouilliez identified as a problem 
looks fine under evince, as do the others I've tested.  

I don't think it's necessary to substitute the Microsoft equivalents of
these fonts (like SUSE does), even if the msttcorefonts package is
installed.  Substituting Times New Roman for Times, in particular, look
worse than substituting FreeSerif in my humble opinion.  See attached

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