Additional comment to workaround with deleting Inbox.ev-summary file in 
~/.evolution/mail/local. First, you should turn off your accounts so no new 
mail would come in or any checking for new mail would not accour. Then, remove 
Inbox.ev-summary and quit Evolution. Then launch Evolution again and let it 
create new Inbox.ev-summary. It takes few minutes for at least thousand mails 
so take your time. Let it sync several times, pressing "Send/Recieve" (might be 
not necessary) and then turn on your account(s) one after one.

My problem was that deleting this file and letting checking Evo mail once in 
two minutes didn't let create Evo this summary file, so previous workaround 
didn't work fully.
evolution bug, "Summary and folder mismatch, even after a sync"

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