*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 29390 ***

> Click to the right frame "Show all open bugs" on the "Show all open
> bugs", it opens https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bugs
> which has gdm bugs listed

I see, thanks.  But it's got to be said that it's pretty obscure: after all,
it takes the following steps to get to the gdm bug list starting from
(1) search for "gdm"
(2) scan down the list, looking for a bug with package equal to "gdm"
(3) click on that bug
(4) realise that "Show all open bugs" refers only to gdm bugs, and not
all open bugs; click on this

Easy when you know how, impossible when you don't know it already, like
most usability problems...  Anyway, let's drop this topic now.

Thanks for your help,


removing gdm fails if gdm is not running

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