I can finally report some good news. Now every time I try (using the 
latest CD), I get the attached error dialog. The dialog is blank and 
doesn't have any GUI buttons, but if I close it from the title bar, 
ubiquity takes me back to the manual partition screen *and* my hard disk 
isn't hosed. Hooray!

I suggest that a simple message and "Ok" button be put in the error 
dialog -- maybe something about "the operation failed, perhaps you need 
to run checkdisk on existing partitions before attempting manual 

But honestly, as long as it doesn't erase data I couldn't care less 
about the error dialog :-D

Thanks again for your diligence on this. I think I'm good now -- and I 
hope no one else can reproduce this error anymore either.


Colin Watson wrote:
> Well, the problem is that I cannot reproduce any situation where gparted
> doesn't resize properly and fails to show an error ...

Gparted should return "1 Cancel" when its operation fails

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