So does this mean that I need to open new bugs on gimp and acroread to
reflect the fact that they use different printing mechanisms and they
don't work?

Could I politely say that: not having printing working, to the extent of
offering non-default options on dialogs and then ignoring them, not
printing landscape correctly, if some are selected - on officially
released product - strikes me as pretty show stopping bug for any
serious or commercial user!

Please could you make sure that all the various paper location
selections (eg top tray, bottom tray) work. Again, this is because
commercial users will have different papers in these trays and will want
to print on the correct one. If you want a concrete example for (a less
serious) user, I have A4 normal paper in the top tray and thick 6x4
borderless glossy photo paper in the bottom tray of a Canon IP4000.
Currently I cannot print with *any* gnome based program (including gimp)
on the bottom tray - whether I select it or not.

KDE programs - meanwhile - work flawlessly. But I don't want to use KDE.

gnome programs don't respect ~/.cups/lpoptions

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