davmor2 escribió:
> Basically yes it is a bug.  However it is not a bug that the Ubuntu devs
> can work on.  It is a bug in the main program.  In order for the gparted
> team to work on it they need to know about the bug.  You will therefore
> need to report it to gnome.bugzilla.org.  They may well ask for more
> info which is why you will need to report it.  I hope that makes it
> clearer for you.

Yes, it's very clear now. Even more: I think it's a bug in parted libs, 
because gparted is only the graphic part of the program (basically), but 
the "thinking" part is parted libs, reiforced with the fact that with 
qtparted the problem is the same. I'll report it to gnome.bugzilla.org 
anyway. Thanks.

Saludos, Wilson

Mensaje enviado con Thunderbird/Linux

Gparted doesn't recognize partitions properly 

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