... and here's where the delicate surgery possibly comes in (sorry!).
The current 06 patch has various things in it to reorder the front page
(in yelp-toc-pager.c).  Not sure if these docs will be visible anywhere
in the new TOC structure (Matt?).

Other than that, the patch should replace the 06 patch, though there are
a few nice descriptions in the current patch that maybe should be used
in the new one.

Having said that, I think it might be better to get the links in the
patch working properly first.  Right now, they all point to
"placeholder" which will break things nicely.

Also, another comment: If the links are pointing to ghelp uris, they
don't need to be translated as yelp will take care of them.  This means
they can be removed from toc.xml.in and hard-coded into the XSLT.  This
saves confusing translators and cuts down on potential translation
errors.  I'll try and update the patch somewhat today.

Improve yelp index layout

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