The comments on that bugs have no real use, complaining will not make
the bug fixed faster. We acknowledge that's a problem and should be
fixed, the thing is that there is over a thousand desktop bugs open at
the moment and few people working on them and we can't work on
everything at the same time. The versions are still being updated and
feisty is not stable yet and we will fix lot of bugs before that. What
would be useful is somebody trying to debug that to help the desktop
team which has lot to do already

Replacing a program or reverting it to the previous version to avoid
fixing a bug is not really constructive behaviour neither. What about
trying to fix the bug rather than replacing it by an another program
which has got not as much testing. It has dnd working, it might also
have bugs than file-roller doesn't have.

Drag n' Drop directories from File-Roller is somewhat tricky

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