On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 09:18:01AM -0400, JP Rosevear wrote:
> Is there any reason not to prefer bonjour over howl now?  Apple has
> re-licensed the client portions of the library under BSD like howl and
> almost certainly bonjour will be better tested.
> Initial patches that support both from hpj:

For those who don't know, I'm one of a few people behind Avahi, if you
haven't read about the project you can go here

I had planned to help move GNOME over to Avahi during the 2.14 release
cycle, the following applications already work with Avahi

 - GnomeMeeting (patch)
 - Vino (patch)
 - Rhythmbox (cvs)

And gnome-vfs is being looked at, the reason I think the project should
use avahi is because its clean LGPL, no iff or buts or any problems in
that regard.

It's being actively developed by a number of us and has bindings
to python and c#, and can integrate with glib/gtk applications easily
by directly using the mainloop (no threads or anything else)

It is also possible to use it for all of KDE now as Jakub Steiner has
ported his DNSSD API in KDE to it.

We're very close to getting it feature, API, ABI stable, and the changes
so far have only been minor and I plan to get support for most major
BSDs in the near future.

What problems do people see in this regard? 

If people really want an abstraction layer, then I think a good start
will be the stuff davyd madeley has done on making a "GServiceBrowser"
(and obviously other friends later) which I would think could be easily
ported to use other APIs (this work is a GObject based API, which would
be great for GNOME applications)


> -JP
> -- 
> Novell, Inc.
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