<quote who="Alan McGinlay">

> http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1872166,00.asp
> Has anyone from gnome been contacted about this? It would seem to me that
> if they don't work with us then what they are trying to do is utterly
> pointless. 

I caught up with them at the open LSB plenary during LWE earlier this year.
I've offered my time to help them get in touch with the right people, answer
questions, etc., etc. Pretty sure they've been in touch with the GTK+ people
too (which is mostly what they're concentrating on, rather than GNOME).

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand               http://linux.conf.au/
         "It's my head, Schwartz - it's my head!" - John Malkovich
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