Qui, 2005-12-29 às 18:35 +0000, Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro escreveu:
>   Behold! A SCons'ified PyGTK is now available:
> http://www.gnome.org/~gjc/pygtk-2.8.3.tar.gz
> http://www.gnome.org/~gjc/pygtk-scons.diff
>   It needs scons 0.96.91, instead of make.  I had to invest a lot of
> effort and time to make this happen, due to missing functionality in
> base scons.  However, I tried to be careful to split out generic
> functionality into a separate 'scons tool' that could potentically be
> reused outside of PyGTK.  I didn't test it on win32, but in theory it
> should work, with more or less adjustments.
>   Features of this tool include 'dist' and 'distcheck' support, along
> with configure checks for pkg-config modules, python version, python
> headers, etc.  It should be noted that the scons-based tarball is only
> 595K vs the 919K autotools tarball.  The difference is 324K, while the
> scons-0.96.91.tar.gz full source takes 343K.

  Also some interesting timing statistics:

pygtk build method      time (real)
scons                   1m8s
./configure && make     1m28s
./autogen.sh && make    1m34s

  This is on a AMD64 3000+ system with 512 MiB of RAM.


Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
The universe is always one step beyond logic.

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