On 1/17/06, Rodrigo Moya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-01-16 at 19:13 -0700, Elijah Newren wrote:
> > Ok, here's what I'm guessing is the rough module consensus after
> > having re-read or skimmed a ton of emails:
> >
> > In:
> > - pyorbit (bindings suite)
> > - deskbar-applet
> > - fast-user-switch-applet (though this should be integrated in the panel 
> > later)
> > - gnome-power-manager
> > - gnome-screensaver
> > - pessulus (new admin suite[2])
> > - sabayon[1] (also in new admin suite)
> > - libnotify & notification-daemon[3]
> > - gnome-python-desktop[4] (_desktop_ suite)
> >
> > Out:
> > - atomix[5]
> > - nautilus-actions
> >
> what was the reason for refusing the inclusion of n-a?

Just a lack of consensus to include it.  Vincent pointed out in his
recent email that there didn't appear to yet be consensus about
nautilus-actions with extra issues (possible integration into nautilus
and perhaps instead being part of a power tool release suite that
never got off the ground) making things a bit harder to understand. 
The remainder of the emails in the thread didn't seem to clarify much
either (if it had only been your email about it, I would have
considered it clarified, but there were other emails later that
brought up more integration issues) -- but even more important than
that, there were also a number of objections posted against its
inclusion (in fact, more of them than I saw who seemed to be in
desktop-devel-list mailing list

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