<quote who="Andrew Sobala">

> When GNOME 3.0 comes out, we can deprecate/delete API as we feel fit.

Clarification: We can deprecate API *now*, but we can't break ABI. That will
mean some applications would have to be built with -DYESIAMTEHSUX0RUSEOLDAPI
mess, but that's not a huge problem.

Consider Ridley - hopefully new versions of GTK+ will allow us to deprecate
bits, pieces and possibly whole libraries from the GNOME platform suite. We
can do that.

Once both the desktop and platform progress far enough *qualitatively* that
we feel compelled to call them '3.0', rock on.

- Jeff

FISL 7.0: Porto Alegre, Brazil        http://fisl.softwarelivre.org/7.0/www/
      "Love never misses the chance to put the boot in." - Kelly, SLOU
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