On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 09:09 -0400, Dan Winship wrote:
> Luis Villa wrote:
> > * distros are all crap at getting their bugs upstream, pretty much.
> > (Some are slightly better than others, at various times.)
> So now that we've got XML-RPC support in bugzilla, it would be insanely
> cool if someone could write interfaces and code to let you do
> cross-bugzilla refiling / mark as duplicate / mark as depending on or
> blocking. (Including cross-bugzilla notifications of relevant changes.)
> So like, someone files a bug against the panel on SLED, we figure out
> that it's an upstream bug, but we still want to track it, because it's
> still a bug against our product too, and it's affecting a customer. So
> we click a little "refile this upstream and mark the local bug as
> depending on the upstream one" button, which does just that. Then if we
> investigate further, we can add comments upstream, or if someone else
> fixes it and closes the bug upstream, we'd get a notification of that,
> and can apply the fix and close our bug.

Debian has something like this.  It only does the syncing after the bug
has been forwarded upstream, currently the bug has to be forwarded
manually.  http://lwn.net/Articles/182383/ has a summary.

I presume launchpad.net does something similar.

Ross Burton                                 mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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