Op Fri, 21 Jul 2006 20:51:12 +0200, schreef Sven Herzberg:

> We have had an argument about this in #gnome-de some time in the past,
> I'll repeat my opinion here.

Maybe you had it in #gnome-de, but it was definitely discussed on this
list or the usability list too (it's too hot now to go look it up). 

Ask dobey for the details, but IIRC Novell user testing showed convincingly
that a majority of test subjects didn't know/expect that Close would save
their changes. Therefore, first it was made explicit-apply but after a
storm of protest, it became instant apply again but with different wording.

So if we want to make things consistent, we should consider making
every instant-apply Close button a Finish button instead.

> Well, the HIG say "Close" IIRC, so, I think everything should be the way
> the HIG say.

The HIG is a set of guidelines that are evolving, they are not set in stone. 


Reinout van Schouwen

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