<quote who="Robert Love">

> Right now both the applet and daemon live in GNOME CVS and are released
> together.

(I don't think it's important for them to be split, unless you forsee the
combination having an impact on adherence to the GNOME release schedule.)

I think the crucial thing we need to do when considering new basic tech like
NetworkManager is grok the integration points. Which modules throughout the
(official) stack can benefit from integration with NetworkManager? This will
result in great examples for third party developers and the exercise of use
cases (possibly) beyond the original scope.

Perhaps the most interesting (in the Chinese sense) is gnome-system-tools.
Not just because of the static configuration issue, but how we integrate
configuration in general.

But there are lots of other places this integration matters throughout the
stack, from Epiphany to applets.


- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2007: Sydney, Australia           http://lca2007.linux.org.au/
   "People keep asking me why we aren't married, and he says, 'Every time
   I am about to ask you, you do something annoying'." - Kate Beckinsale
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