Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Jamie McCracken">
>> (okay here goes -  now that I have looked up what an "elevator pitch" is!
>> I will try to be brief...)
> This is a pretty airy-fairy description for a developer mailing list. Your
> audience is not my Mum, it's the group of people architecting GNOME. You did
> not include use cases in your description.

Use Cases:

1) Full desktop search system

2) Extensible metadata server including tags (metadata throughout the 

3) Can be used as the basis for the implementation of the Topaz style 
object model as defined in :

4) Common database for music and photos so that these applications can 
store all their data here which is shareable and searchable by other apps

Mr Jamie McCracken

desktop-devel-list mailing list

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