2006/10/24, Jamie McCracken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> (okay here goes -  now that I have looked up what an "elevator pitch"
> is! I will try to be brief...)
> What is it?
> Tracker is a personal search tool and storage system that allows you to
> search and enhance your personal data with the minimum of fuss.
> It allows you to find the proverbial needle in your computer's haystack
> as well as providing a one stop solution to the organisation, storage
> and categorisation of your data.
> What does it do?
> Tracker trawls through your data and organises it so that it can be
> retrieved extremely quickly later on via simple searches.
Just a small nitpick. Does it organise data or index it? I think it
only indexes it and does not change the data itself. This is important
for users. It should be clear that an index does not touch the data it

> Why is it important?
> Tracker provides a framework for desktop search which nearly all modern
> platforms provide
> Tracker provides fast search and fast indexing whilst using considerably
> less memory than its competitors such that it can be used on almost any
> reasonable machine.
Strigi is just as memory efficient as Tracker is. I've not done a
benchmark, but Strigi's memory usage is also between 5 and 10 Mb (last
time i checked).

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