
On Tue, 2006-10-24 at 17:09 +0100, Jamie McCracken wrote:
> Dan Winship wrote:
> > You talked about porting epiphany to store its bookmarks in
> > tracker, but I can't find anything evidence either that (a) you've
> > actually tried this yet and verified that it works well,
> the spec for that is not finished but yes it will work well from what I 
> can see. I cant go ahead and implement this without tracker either being 
> in the Desktop or an approved dependency so its on the back burner until 
> thats sorted out.

The thing is, you want to go from «I can see that it will work well» to
«the GNOME community can see that it will work well». «I can see that it
will work well» is very close to architecture-astronaut-speak...

-- m

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