Ross Burton wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 11:41 +0100, Jamie McCracken wrote:
>>> I'm thinking of decent genre support, so multiple genre tags per song
>>> (as supported in Ogg).  If a song has Song.Genre="Post Rock,Ambient" and
>>> I search for "rock", will the substring search incorrectly match the
>>> song?
>> Yes it will unfortunately - hopefully these corner cases wont be too common
> I had a look at Beagle to see what it does.  It allows the index to
> store multiple data items for each keyword.  For example from the email
> filter:
> using (GMime.InternetAddressList addrs = this.message.GetRecipients 
> (GMime.RecipientType.To)) {
>       foreach (GMime.InternetAddress ia in addrs)
>               AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("fixme:to", ia.ToString ());
>       }
> }
> Note how each person listed in the To: field of the email is added to
> the index as a separate entry, so that searches like "receipient ends
> with" would work correctly.  The same feature would allow
> multiple artists per song and so on.

I will add a native list type so this will be possible

> I do wonder why nobody has taken a fast database-backed RDF triple store
> (from librdf), put a sparql-based frontend on it for queries (again from
> librdf) and used re-used a lot of code from both Beagle and Tracker for
> harvesting the metadata...

Its only an option if we can customise it to fit in with what we have.

tracker is both an indexer with full text search and a metadata DB and 
right now librdf looks only relevant for the metadata DB side of things.

In particular we can in tracker cross search both full text indexes and 
database indexes so we can quickly search for "get me all files that 
were modified in the last 7 days which have a keyword of Tracker and 
contains the word GNOME anywhere in it". Would this still be possible if 
I used librdf?

Mr Jamie McCracken

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