Hi Ross,

On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 13:49 +0100, Ross Burton wrote:
> I do wonder why nobody has taken a fast database-backed RDF triple store
> (from librdf), put a sparql-based frontend on it for queries (again from
> librdf) and used re-used a lot of code from both Beagle and Tracker for
> harvesting the metadata...

Do you mean pulling the data out of Beagle or Tracker and putting it
into a separate RDF store?

This is something we've wanted to do in Beagle for some time.  It has
never really been fleshed out whether the right thing to do here is
build an RDF graph on top of the existing store when presenting it to
users or to keep a separate store for this.  Keeping a separate store
makes searching a lot more difficult, though, unless you're searching
only one store at a time.


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