On 3/20/07, Manu Cornet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Recently the problem of changes of resolutions has been raised [1] on
> the usability list. I would like to start a discussion about how to
> manage the effect of resolution changes on the panel layout better
> than what we do today. This implies another way of storing the panel
> layout.
> I know Vincent Untz already thought a bit about this and there were a
> few short talks on this matter, but I'd like to make a proposal and
> try to start a discussion about this.
> Here is the wiki page I set up for this:
>     http://live.gnome.org/GnomePanel/RelativeLayout
> Does this seem sane to you? How would you do otherwise? How would you
> enchance the current proposal?

I'd just make sure that one of the use cases which the final design
covers is devices which rotate, like tablet PCs and iphone-like
devices. It seems likely that they will become more common, and while
I can't think of any situations offhand where they are substantially
different from merely changing resolution, it should be kept in mind.

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