On 3/23/07, Tristan Van Berkom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On the other hand, (I'm not sure if such a system might already be
> in place...) it might be reasonable to say that a given module might
> want to rally an extra bugfix release on the said current release -
> if for example an important bugfix was made in the platform after
> the 2.18.1 release

Yes, quoting the tail of the second footnote of my previous email (my
emails are too long...someone should file a bug against me):

"Another alternative for increasing focus on a particular topic is to
have individual maintainers choose to follow them for their project.
I have basically imposed feature freezes on myself for an entire
development cycle for certain modules that I maintained, simply
because I felt it was the right focus for my project at the time."

>  - does that library maintainer have the right
> to ask for a 2.18.2 to be released to address this ? (and then
> I suppose the idea would be accepted/rejected by the release
> team)

Sure, a maintainer can ask the community to do what we already planned
on doing, but I don't see the point.  ;-)  (A 2.18.2 and 2.18.3
release are already planned on the proposed schedule at
http://live.gnome.org/TwoPointNineteen, on May 30 and July 4,
respectively.  No one has objected to the schedule thus far[1], so
it'll be official soon.)


[1] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2007-March/msg00157.html
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