On 4/8/07, Olav Vitters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 08, 2007 at 04:01:14PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> > Given the length of Redhat, SuSE and Debian release cycles, this will
> > just make bug-buddy useless for many stable users. Ideally you could
> Honestly, I think that <=2.14 bugreports are useless. Dropping <=2.16
> feels way too soon, however, I also want to keep Bugzilla usable (the
> incoming bug rate is way too high). Further, as soon as a GNOME is
> released as stable, the old one is forgotten about.
> Note: we don't receive many <=2.14 bug-buddy bugreports (mostly due to
> using sendmail to send it). And it was going to be ceased with the
> release of 2.20 anyway.

[Responding a bit slowly...]

I'm all in favor of dropping <= 2.14 bugreports, mainly because of the
sendmail and yet-another-bugzilla-parsing-script issue.  So +1 from me
on that.

I wouldn't want to see 2.16 bugreports dropped, especially not this
early.  It'd be really cool if we could make this kind of thing
product-specific and have it be a maintainer choice on which
bugreports are considered "old" enough to be automatically dropped in
the future.

Just my $0.02 (even though you probably already knew my answers) since
I didn't see too many other people responding to this specific

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